About Film Studies

The Film Studies Program, housed in the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, is an interdisciplinary program with courses in the departments of Africana Studies, American Studies, Art, Communications, English, History, Languages, Cultures and Translation, Political Science, Religious Studies, Theatre, and Women’s and Gender Studies.
The Film Studies Program includes the Film Studies Minor and an Undergraduate Certificate in Video Production; they are designed to enhance their primary degrees and to provide students with a meaningful entry-point to launch their professional careers in film. The Program teaches film as an art form; a conduit of popular culture; a community-building tool; and agent of change. The Film Studies Program is also a concentration of the B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies.
The Program is led by a dynamic and award-winning faculty which includes professional filmmakers, artists, festival organizers, historians, critics, and multimedia creators. Film Studies graduates have gone on to become professional filmmakers, screenwriters, and producers. Alumni have launched and supported production companies, marketing firms and film festivals, as well as pursue secondary degrees in Film, become educators, win Emmys and work with non-profit organizations in the arts sector.
The B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies has a concentration in Film & Media Production. The IDST program allows students to combine an interdisciplinary concentration with in-depth coursework in a disciplinary field to create a major reflecting their own interests. Through the combination of interdisciplinary and disciplinary coursework, students gain a deeper understanding of the areas of study from multiple perspectives and develop competencies in oral and written communication, critical thinking, data analysis, teamwork, and leadership.
The interdisciplinary Minor in Film Studies allows students from all disciplines and backgrounds to develop knowledge of film and media as an
art form and community-building tool while fulfilling their degree program. Through a wide variety of course offerings, the Program is designed for students who wish to create film, study film, and to use film as a lens through which to view the world.
Students interested in production-based film experiences should explore the Undergraduate Certificate in Video Production, listed below. Upon
completion of the Certificate, Film Studies students also qualify for the Minor.
The interdisciplinary Certificate in Video Production allows students to develop production-based skillsets through hands-on learning + film
The Certificate offers courses in all phases of production, each conducted in a small, workshop-style environment to provide student support for unique film interests and career goals.
Students curate their Certificate courses to satisfy Program requirements while developing individual goals in classes as well as extracurricular opportunities (such as internships). Graduates develop a portfolio applicable to all mediascapes and career ventures.
Students who earn the Certificate in Video Production also qualify for the Film Studies Minor based on courses taken, helping to maximize the
educational experience in addition to primary degree programs.
For more information about the Film Studies Minor and Undergraduate Certificate in Video Production, please contact:
Dr. Daniela Dal Pra
Interim Director of Film Studies Program
Admission and Progression Requirements, and all Program Requirements can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog:
Film Studies, Minor
Film Studies, Minor; and Video Production, Undergraduate Certificate
B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies with Concentration in Film Studies